The following is the text of Sch. Co. O.C. Rule 6.4A before it was amended on November 4, 1999, 29 Pa.B. 5920.

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Rule 6.4A. Accounts. Time for Filing. Audit Days.

(a) Accounts to appear on a particular Audit List must be filed not later than 4 p.m. of the third Wednesday immediately preceding the Wednesday on which it is desired the account shall be called for Audit.

(b) All accounts on the advertised Audit List will be called for Audit on the day set for calling the List; but, in cases requiring the taking of considerable testimony or the hearing or argument on legal questions or in which objections have been filed, a special day for conference or hearing may be fixed.

[Originally adopted April 1, 1993, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. 26 Pa.B. 467 (2/3/96).]

The Pennsylvania Estate and Trust Cybrary
Daniel B. Evans, Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 27370
Philadelphia, PA 19118
Telephone: (215) 233-0988
Telecopier: (215) 233-1887