The following is the text of Sch.Co.O.C. Rule 8.1A before it was amended on March 13, 1995.

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Rule 8.1A. Appointment.
(a) The Court, on its own motion, or upon petition of the accountant, or of any other party in interest, may appoint an Auditor or Master to assist the Court in the audit of an account or the disposition of an issue of fact in a matter.

(b) The Court may, at or after a conference on the issues or in lieu thereof, direct that each counsel of record and any party in interest not represented by counsel shall file with the Clerk a praecipe listing Witnesses and the anticipated length of the Master's or Auditor's hearing.

(c) Each party in interest shall deposit into the Clerk of the Orphans' Court a payment on account of fees and costs in an amount to be fixed by the Court.

[Adopted April 1, 1993, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. 26 Pa.B. 467 (2/3/96).]